
The team at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing approached the team at Input Logic to create an app to connect all of the people involved when caring for someone with dementia. Patients may see multiple healthcare providers, work with community organizations and have support from family members, and it’s critical that everyone stays on the same page. From concept to live app, the team at Input Logic and myself brought the vision to life from branding through UX, UI, animation and development.

Team members on this project include Nick Johnson, Nelson Reid, and many more at Input Logic.





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A brand that conveys care and calm

When initially concepting the logo and overall brand direction, we explored ideas around the interconnectedness of care that family members and caregivers have for the loved ones they care for. We landed on the Caremobi mark and built out a soft palette of comforting tones that conveyed calm but retained energy and warmth.

A tool for a wide range of audiences

When designing the interface, usability was highly important given that many of the frequent users of the app could be older, less technically adaptive, and have different motives and use cases for the product. Using friendly, conversational copy and eas-to-follow user flows, the product came to life with a skin of hifi UI that brought the product to life.easy-to-follow

Tools and features that matter most

Besides keeping all care team members in the loop, some of the core actions within Caremobi centred around medical tracking. Users can enter and track meditation, mood, appointments, vitals, meals, and more. Each of these needed to be quick, and easy to log for anyone who was coming into the app. Each one of these metrics helps to tell the story of a patient’s state and progression with the ability to export an overview for healthcare practitioners.

Progressive disclosure and logging

We needed to be able to track a lot of different metrics and vitals but it can be overwhelming to be faced with a lot of options when you simply need to log one thing. By using progressive disclosure, users can quickly log their information. Additional questions are shown only after the completion of the previous step, making it easier to log valuable information without feeling overwhelmed.

Continuous Iteration

Since the initial MVP, the product has grown and evolved through countless sprints, building on requests from users and research from the NYU team. Being able to support the wellbeing of patients and people caring for those with dementia has made it feel so effortless and easy to engage with the passionate and motivated Caremobi team to keep creating impact with this digital product.

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lula christman

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lula christman

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lula christman